November Guidance


As part of our November monthly guidance curriculum, we will be learning about Protective Behaviors. We will be having two presenters joining us from the Harbor House. The presentations will occur during the regular guidance schedule in the guidance classroom. The lesson will include understanding safe and unsafe touches (including the swimsuit area), trusted adults, and words that mean no. The presentation is developmentally appropriate. As a family, feel free to talk with your child about the lesson and trusted adults in your child’s life.

The class schedule for November is below.

Wednesday, November 9th

Wednesday, November 16th

Mrs. Strasburg

Ms. Wichman

Mrs. LeCapitaine

Mrs. Hedrich

Ms. Stolze

Ms. Hietpas

Mrs. Salm

Ms. Senderhauf

Ms. Browne

Mr. VanDemark

Ms. Sievert

Ms. Zobel

Mrs. Veitenhans

Mrs. Cromell

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

Jodi St. Aubin

School Counselor

920-766-6100 ext 3154