December Guidance

This month in Guidance we'll be covering Conflict Resolution and Bullying. In the fall, students were introduced to one of our Restorative Practices - the Kindness Climb. The Kindness Climb helps students talk out conflicts with one another. We'll review this practice in Guidance, and discuss other ways to work through conflicts, such as I-Messages. Often when a conflict occurs, it can be helpful to take a breath, organize your thoughts, and share an I-Message with the peer. I-Messages follow the format below...

I feel _____________, when you ____________, so please __________.

We focus on how student voices are powerful! Being able to calmly express your feelings and advocate for yourself is a life-long tool.

When discussing bullying and learning about how to prevent and stop it, students will start with defining what bullying is, and it's difference to rude or mean behavior. Understanding this difference is important for students when working through conflicts, seeking adult support, and having the right response. Our learning will occur through conversation, talking through scenarios, practicing, and a short read aloud.

Here's a short video on bullying. Thank you for talking with your students at home and connecting their learning!