February Guidance

February Guidance lessons are all about SELF-ESTEEM! Students will be diving into discussion on what self-esteem is (our thoughts and feelings about ourselves) and how to build a positive self-esteem. Grades 1 and 2 will focus a bit more on the differences between positive and negative self-esteem, and how to build our self-esteem with a growth mindset. Grades 3 and 4 will do a little reflection on their own awareness of when they have 'up high' or 'down low' days and recognizing patterns to help them find balance. Connect the conversation at home by talking about how you build your self-esteem and creating a list with your student! Here are some of the ways we'll be reviewing: deep breathing, thinking happy thoughts/memories, practicing gratitude by reflecting on what we're grateful for, getting fresh air, trying something new (experience, food, activity), talking to a friend, and even Safe Anger Releases (such as punching a pillow!). 

Two quick links below: